The formation of the vulva, the egg-laying structure of nematode females and hermaphrodites, has been at the center of our research activities over many years. We have developed the nematode vulva as a suitable „case study“ in evolutionary developmental biology and have obtained mechanistic insight into the evolutionary alterations of developmental processes by comparing P. pacificus to C. elegans. Our comparative analysis provided deep insight into the patterns and processes shaping evolutionary changes. Together, we found three major types of changes that establish the evolution of nematode vulva formation as an important example of DEVELOPMENTAL SYSTEMS DRIFT.
First, the vulva is induced by different signaling pathways in P. pacificus and C. elegans with Wnt and EGF signaling, respectively.
Second, the regulatory linkage of individual signaling pathways can change tremendously during evolution. For example, Frizzled-type receptors function as antagonist rather than agonists during P. pacificus vulva induction.
Third, important aspects of signaling already change at the micro-evolutionary level among strains of the same species. Our work of the last 15 years represents a major example of developmental systems drift.
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